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What Your Hair Loss Says About Your Health

Many of us dread the day when we look in the mirror and see too much scalp peeking through the strands of hair. While hair loss is often thought of as a man’s problem, at least a third of women will experience thinning hair at some point in their lives. In fact, one study estimated […]

Is Your Body Lacking These Essential Nutrients?

“You are what you eat.” No truer words were ever spoken, because essential nutrients are the life-source that comes from the foods you eat. While it is possible to get most of what you need from a balanced meal, the typical American diet, jam-packed with processed foods, can be low in some essential nutrients. And, […]

7 Plant Proteins You Should Be Eating and Why

If you’ve been involved in any discussion on this issue, you’ve probably heard that plant foods which contain amino acids (the building blocks of protein) need to be combined in order to form a complete protein. The idea is that plants like beans, grains, and legumes contain most, but not all, of the essential amino […]

5 Supercharged Seeds You Don’t Want to Ignore and How to Use Them

The term “nuts and seeds” has a nice ring to it…and when I give nutritional advice to my patients and my readers…I often make a general statement about including more of both. But I have recently realized that I should probably be a bit more specific in my advice. Nuts and seeds may sound good […]

What You Never Knew About Protein and How to Get More

When I saw an advertisement for protein-enriched water, I knew that we had finally reached a tipping point. We have become totally protein obsessed. There are three foundational macronutrients:  Carbohydrate, Fat, and Protein. When it comes to carbohydrate and fat, even people with entry-level nutrition knowledge can agree that there are “good” and “bad” versions. […]

4 Simple Ways to Spin Beans and Why They are So Good for You

The longest-lived people in the world have a secret. They’re full of beans. It’s an expression that means that a person is energetic and lively with a spring in their step. Researchers who study the “Blue Zones” where people live extraordinarily long and healthy lives have determined that the regular consumption of beans is one […]

New Research: Can Lentils Prevent Diabetes?

A half cup of lentils a day could help keep diabetes away. That’s the conclusion of a new study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, which found that substituting one serving of lentils in place of starchy carbohydrates like rice or potatoes helped reduce blood glucose levels by 20 to 35 percent.

Protein, Protein Everywhere

Protein is a nutrient that people associate with lean, muscular physiques and low-carb weight loss diets. Scan the headlines, and you will undoubtedly see all sorts of news touting the benefits of a diet high in protein.

Sunny Side Up

It seems that there is no more controversial food in the medical news than eggs. And this month, they are back in the health headlines again. This time it’s (mostly) good news. The recent study thats getting lots of attention is the “DIABEGG” study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It demonstrated that […]

Should You Go Keto?

As I wandered through the mazes of bookshelves at my local public library last week, I was struck by the shelves upon shelves of diet books that were buried there. There must have been hundreds of them. Each one still dressed in a cover that hinted at its age. Each one representing the hard work […]