Where the Standard American Diet (SAD) Falls Short (and what you can do)

For breakfast, it’s a bacon, egg, and cheese on an English muffin with a large coffee with extra cream and sugar. Lunch is a sub with ham and swiss, a bag of chips, and an energy drink. And dinner is usually a cheeseburger, fries, and a soda. Oh, and most days, every meal comes with […]
3 Tips to Tame Your Angry Gut Naturally

Early in my medical residency, I learned a lesson from one of my mentors that continues to serve me well today. He told me that whenever I was faced with a “complex” patient—a person with medical problems in numerous body systems, including gastrointestinal problems—that I should start by treating the gut. The idea was that […]
Food for a Week

In the waiting room of my office, I keep a photography book called Hungry Planet: What the World Eats, by Peter Menzel. It is the book I most often find on my patients’ laps while they wait, and it makes a great conversation starter about food and nutrition. To compile the photographs for his book, […]
Lessons from the Albatross

The albatross is a majestic seabird that, when flying free, has long symbolized good fortune to sailors. A trapped or dead albatross, however, is seen in folklore and literature as a very bad omen. This symbolism is immortalized in the poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In the poem, the […]