Are You Elevating Your Legs All Wrong? Here is What You Should be Doing Instead

Do you get impressions in your legs when you take off your socks? If that happens to you on a regular basis, you are probably “retaining water” which is an extremely common condition that is formally known as edema. There are several types of edema and even more underlying reasons why it occurs… but is […]
How to Vacation in a Pandemic Without Leaving Your Backyard

Anyone who loves to travel knows how electrifying a road trip, camping excursion, backpacking journey, or beach getaway can be. Vacations are a time to relax, rejuvenate, and get away from the hustle of everyday life for a while — they are a sort of “reset button.”
Noticing Nature

I’d like you take a moment to think about an experience you’ve had, one which has fostered feelings of wonder and joy. For me, watching a bee colony at work, observing the ebb and flow of ocean waves, or enjoying the beauty of a tree swaying in the breeze can fill me with a sense […]
Toxic Planes: Air Travelers Beware

If you’ve ever flown in an airplane, you’re familiar with that musty, stale smell that encircles you as soon as you board. Maybe you’ve also noticed that it can be difficult to breathe normally on a plane: that recirculated air just doesn’t inspire you to take a full, deep breath. This effect is not in […]
The Travel Mindset: A Vacation in Your Own Backyard

Anyone who loves to travel knows how electrifying a road trip, camping excursion, backpacking journey, or beach getaway can be. Vacations are a time to relax, rejuvenate, and get away from the hustle of everyday life for a while — they are a sort of “reset button.” This “reset” from routine is a necessary part […]
Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer Vacation

Hooray, it’s almost time to start thinking about summer vacations! What’s on your packing list? Sunglasses, a swimsuit, and a great book probably top the list, but what about your health? Going on vacation could leave you vulnerable to infectious diseases, digestive problems, skin cancer, heat stroke, and sexually transmitted diseases. Any time you’re packing […]