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How Probiotics Could Save You From Losing Teeth

You’ve heard of probiotics before – they’re supplements you take for a healthy gut. But did you know that there is also something called the oral microbiome, which is a community of bacteria in your mouth? Scientists are starting to discover that oral probiotics are just as important as those we use for the gut. […]

6 Signs That Your Gut is in Trouble

One of the very first patients I ever saw in my medical residency taught me a lesson that I’ll never forget. She was a woman in her mid-50s who had multiple medical problems, several of them quite serious. When I saw her list of problems, I was intimidated. At the time, I wasn’t confident enough […]

6 Ways To Improve Your Gut Health and Boost Immunity

If you’re like most people, boosting your immunity has been on your mind these days. If it isn’t, then you seriously need to consider how a healthy immune system affects mood, mental health, endocrine disorders, skin conditions, cancer, and yes, fighting viruses like COVID-19. However, if your gut health is poor, your immunity is as […]

3 Tips to Tame Your Angry Gut Naturally

Early in my medical residency, I learned a lesson from one of my mentors that continues to serve me well today. He told me that whenever I was faced with a “complex” patient—a person with medical problems in numerous body systems, including gastrointestinal problems—that I should start by treating the gut. The idea was that […]

7 Ways to Combat Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Springtime brings many gifts. Flowers are blooming, honey bees are hard at work, and the warmer weather welcomes us to spend time outdoors. But there are unwanted gifts as well. The air is filled with pollen this time of year, and many of my patients are stressed out and suffering from the wheezing and sneezing […]

Weed And Feed

I have to hold my breath when I pass by the lawn products at my local garden center. This time of year, the shelves are brimming with products that are called “Weed and Feed” or some other poetic way to describe an all-in-one herbicide and lawn fertilizer product. I avoid the use of these products […]

Fish Oil, Probiotics And Childhood Allergies

Eating a good diet is not just good for you…it has a huge impact on the health of the next generation. The connection between what a mom eats and the health of her children is pretty well established. Here are several prenatal findings that numerous studies confirm:

Fermented Foods

For some people, the word “fermented” conjures up images of moldy food in the back of the fridge that you should’ve thrown away weeks ago. Although fermented food is indeed teeming with bacteria… they are the “good guys” and can do wonderful things for your health. I have recently been experimenting with fermenting foods myself… […]

The Garden in Your Gut

My backyard is like a garden oasis. My wife and I are avid gardeners, and our three children have all understood where food comes from since they were babies. Every one of us still marvels about how tall a bean plant can grow (right now, ours are about 12 feet tall) and it’s hard not […]

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