Are You Making These 7 Posture Mistakes?

One of the not-so-glamorous aspects of being a physician is…paperwork. But a little peek into one particular piece of paperwork has given me a surprising insight about the extremely high cost of bad posture. Over the years, I have had many patients who work for huge corporations. Many of these employees work long hours at […]
Spinal Surgeon Reveals the Truth About Back Surgery and Chronic Pain

The story usually goes something like this: “I felt a little twinge in my back yesterday while I was lifting something. I didn’t think much of it at the time…but when I woke up this morning, I couldn’t even move!” That story illustrates one of the great misunderstandings of low back pain…and it actually means […]
Do These 7 Things to Protect Your Lower Back

There’s a common saying in orthopedics that patients DO NOT like to hear. Here’s how it goes: Once a back pain patient…always a back pain patient. Depressing, right? And certainly not what you want to hear when you’re in agony. Unfortunately, the clinical research on low back pain suggests that there is some truth in […]
Back Stiffness — A Protective Illusion?

“My head feels like it’s in a vise.” “The tingling sensation in my limbs feel like pins and needles.” “It’s like a stabbing pain in my belly.”
Should Women Sit More Like Men?

The musical, My Fair Lady, includes a charming number called “Why Can’t a Woman Be More Like a Man.” The song is a hilarious parody of the character Henry Higgins, the chauvinistic professor who clearly has a lot to learn about the ladies.
Low Back Pain and Space Travel: 3… 2… 1… Blast Off!!!

Earlier this year, many of us eagerly followed the news coverage of Scott Kelly’s epic return to Earth from the International Space Station. Kelly spent 340 days up in space: longer than any United States astronaut in history. You may also remember news outlets mentioning Kelly’s height: he grew an entire two inches during his […]